To order ‘click and collect’, liquid, household cleaning, laundry and bathroom refills follow option 1 or 2. For buying liquids in person at the shop, see options 3 and 4.
Option 1: ‘Keep & Refill’ Bottles
If you are buying our liquids for the first time or you don't already have bottles to use at home, this option is for you - click above. Our bottles are available in a range of different shapes and sizes which you can purchase through our shop here.
Option 2: BUY LIQUID WITH A RETURNABle/exchangeable BOTTLE
If you are a regular ‘re-filler’ and already have your own bottles at home, this is the option for you - click above. You will need to visit the ‘liquid with returnable/exchangeable bottle’ section of our site here. We add the deposit that you pay for the bottle onto the price of the liquid you buy. We will fill up the returnable/exchangeable bottles ready for you to collect; you can then decant the contents into your own bottles at home. When your returnable/exchangeable bottles are empty and you need more liquid refills, just bring them back the next time you ‘click and collect’ and we will swap them for another set of full ones! There is no need to pay a deposit again when you next need a refill - if you are swapping an empty bottle for a full bottle, just order the liquids you need by ordering from the ‘liquids only’ section here. Easy!
Our very own circular refill system!
Visit the ‘liquid with returnable/exchangeable bottle’ section of our site. Choose your liquid, - the deposit for the bottle is included in the price.
We will have a full bottle/bottles waiting for you when you collect your order.
When your bottle is empty, re-order the liquid refills only. There is no need to pay another deposit, bring the bottle back and we will have a full one ready to swap!
When returning bottles to us, please make sure they are empty, washed and all labels have been removed.
Option 3: BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottles)
If you have your own bottles at home to refill, you are welcome to bring them to our shop and we can refill them for you there and then. Additionally, if you would like to leave the bottles with us, tell us what you need, we will fill them and you can return later to collect at a time that suits you.
Option 4
Visit the shop, buy refillable bottles, we will fill them with whatever you need. Come back to refill the bottles as needed. Many customers purchase 2 full bottles initially, one with an appropriate top – spray, pump etc, and one with a screw top. That way they never run out and can simply swap the lids at home when running low and keep refilling/topping up the screw top bottle when in town.
We sell all of our liquids by weight as we have found this to be the simplest way to fill a variety of containers and ensure that customers pay for the weight of the liquid only and not the container.